Sunday, 18 December 2011

Training for Peak Energy

Energy is everything! Everything is from Energy! People may thought 'Energy' is when you have eaten a full meal and started their job in a day OR you are strong physically and you can beat anyone! That is wrong! That is not energy! Peak Energy transform from a stage where you are (currently) to another stage where you are totally different from the stage previously. You already been inspired and willing to go out from the comfort zone (CZ) to do things you never perform before. You have desire, purpose and passionate to accomplish it.

An example, you want to loose weight but you do not have discipline to accomplish it. After Peak Energy transformed, you are willing to take whatever it takes to accomplish it. You became awesome and confident at that stage! You enjoyed to do it and most importantly you knew very clear (Crystal Clear) what you want to do!

Thank you to Arjaan Charn for such a kind heart to provide a Mini MMI (Millionaire Mind Intensive) Seminar in Thai language to help our team to boost up their energy to another height! Every one has inspired! It was an amazing experience on the 'Peak Energy' transform. Go Go Go! Action now !

"One step of little actions is better than 100 years of thinking" - Arjaan Charn

" Successful people 'do' certain thing everyday" - Arjaan Charn


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